Q. What is Nebraska Catholic Day of Giving?
Nebraska Catholic Day of Giving is a day of generosity and kindness fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Nebraska Catholic Day of Giving is an initiative of the Archdiocese of Omaha, Diocese of Lincoln and Diocese of Grand Island.
Q. When is Nebraska Catholic Day of Giving?
Nebraska Catholic Day of Giving is on May 7th, 2025 from midnight to 11:59 PM Central time. The platform opens for donations during an Advanced Giving Phase beginning at Midnight Central time on Monday, April 15.
Q. How do I make a donation during Nebraska Catholic Day of Giving?
Starting on April 15, you can follow these step-by-step directions (coming soon!) to complete your online donation.
Q. Which organizations can participate?
All 501(c)(3) parishes, schools and Catholic-serving ministries listed in the official Catholic directory and are affiliated with the Archdiocese of Omaha, Diocese of Lincoln and Diocese of Grand Island are eligible to participate in the Nebraska Catholic Day of Giving. For additional information, please contact the Nebraska Catholic Day of Giving point person listed in the footer of the website.
Q. Who can donate?
Anyone can donate! The minimum online donation is $10, and there is no maximum. Donations through the Nebraska Catholic Day of Giving online portal to charitable nonprofit organizations are tax-deductible and cannot be refunded. Contributions may be made via credit card, or mobile pay, and donors contributing $100 or more may contribute using ACH from their bank account. Online donors should receive a tax receipt immediately upon completing their donation. Offline donations of cash or check can be made in any amount and should be given or sent directly to the parish, school or ministry of donor's choice. Receipts for offline gifts will be provided by the organization receiving the funds.
Q. What is #iGiveCatholic?
#iGiveCatholic is a Catholic 501(c)(3) nonprofit that helps other Catholic nonprofits raise money, engage donors and manage volunteers using the GiveGab/Bonterra giving platform. #iGiveCatholic is a registered fundraiser in every state and provides organizational guidance, training and resources for the Nebraska Catholic Day of Giving.
Q. How will my donation be distributed to my nonprofit organization of choice?
Each donation made to a participating nonprofit will be disbursed directly from GiveGab/Bonterra, the nonprofit giving platform, via direct deposit into the organization's account within 5-7 business days.
Q. Are there refunds?
All donations are final and cannot be refunded. However, if you notice an error in your transaction, please contact the Customer Success team immediately through the blue chat bubble in the bottom right-hand corner.
Q. Who will receive my contact information?
The organization(s) you choose to support will have access to your name and email address. This information is used solely to send thank you messages, provide the option to receive future notifications, and to notify you of future activities.
Q. Do I need to create an account?
No. You do not need to create an account to make a donation. The benefits of creating an account include having your tax receipts collected in one location, being able to track your donations, follow the charities you support, and engage in future volunteering and donations. Your tax receipt is emailed immediately upon processing your donation. To claim a donation as a deduction on U.S. taxes, you should retain the donation receipt as an official record.
Q. Can I make donations via a mobile device?
Yes! Simply visit nebraska.igivecatholictogether.org on your mobile device.
Q. Are there fees associated with online donations to the Nebraska Catholic Day of Giving?
Minimum online gifts to Nebraska Catholic Day of Giving are $10. Credit card fees total 5.9% plus $.30. Gifts of $100 or more can be made as an ACH gift from a bank account. Fees on ACH gifts total 3.4% plus $3.00. Fees cover templated marketing materials and trainings for the participating parishes, schools and ministries, platform technical support, technology, processing, and security costs. Donors have the option to cover these fees at the time of donation, and during Joy of Giving 2023, the predecessor giving day run solely by the Archdiocese of Omaha, more than 74% of donors did pay this cost for the parish, school or ministry they supported. Donors will receive a tax deduction on the full donation amount. Offline donations do not incur any transaction fees. Read more about how the fees assist your organization HERE.
Q. What if my preferred organization is not listed?
Please send an email to questions@igivecatholic.org to request that we contact your organization of choice, and contact your organization and ask them to be sure to participate during the next Nebraska Catholic Day of Giving.